

How do mastermind & growth experiences work?

Experience radical growth in one of our workshops or masterminds.

 A mastermind consists of a group of smart people who meet regularly to tackle challenges and problems together. They lean on each other, give advice, and share connections. Masterminds are an effective way to boost growth in any area, both personally and professionally.

About Action Now facilitates virtual and in-person workshops and masterminds which promote personal growth and development. Scroll down to learn more about our upcoming experiences.


Sitting Buddah with text on top

What is the Inner Work?

It is a three-part workshop series that focuses inward.

It asks deep and personal questions. It focuses in on things that have been buried, hidden, or forgotten.

It includes cleaning out and organizing belief systems, thought patterns, fears, and doubts. 

It’s intense. 

Its meant for people who are looking for radically different results.

When is the next workshop?

Apr 7, 2023 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

A little history on masterminds.

The Mastermind concept was popularized in the 1930’s when author, Napoleon Hill included the principle in his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich. This book is among the 10 best selling self-help books of all time. 

While it may have become popular in the 1930’s, the concept of joining together in mutual agreement and support has been around for centuries. Some have pointed to Jesus and the twelve disciples as one of the earliest examples of a mastermind group.

Hill points out why people who participate in a mastermind see better results faster; “A Mastermind will form a third force that generates good ideas that you would be unlikely to create on your own.’

"Masterminds allow one the opportunity to borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence, and perhaps, the capital of other people in carrying out their own plans in life."

Napoleon Hill

why mastermind growth experiences?


One of the top reasons people procrastinate is because they lack information. Which can also result in mistakes and missteps. Mastermind alliances allow you to tap into the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of others.


Each meeting is used to create new goals and status old ones. You no longer have to figure out your next steps alone. Members brainstorm with you after taking time to understand your unique vision and challenges. Masterminds exist exclusively to advance members' goals and results.


Environment plays a critical role in success. Mastermind alliances help keep you on track and multiply your chances of success. They are the ultimate positive growth environment.


You will get more done as a result of positive peer pressure, and consistent and regular progress reporting.

Mastermind Client Testimonials.

"The MasterMind group is two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose."

Napoleon Hill

"Form such a group from people you respect, who are industrious and who are conscientious. Meet regularly with them. The result will be that you reach your goals more quickly."

Napoleon Hill

"With the Mastermind principle you can accomplish in one year, more than you could accomplish in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your self for success."

Napoleon Hill


The 6-month Mastermind requires a $2499.00 investment and can be broken up into two payments. (Ask how you can save $500.00?)

Your investment covers:

  • 12 Professionally facilitated meetings
  • Core Skills Training
  • Access to goal-tracking tool 
  • Videoconferencing application access
  • Video Replay Repository
  • Intro Packet & Worksheets


Registration Process.


Submit your completed application. Within three business days, your applications will be reviewed and status notification is sent.


Upon approval you will be emailed a payment link. Following payment, you will received detailed instructions and an invite for the Mastermind kickoff.